Brixham Marina Berth Holder News
Another year has flown by! We’d like to start off by saying a huge thank you to everyone who has kept their boat with us this year. You really do play a part in making our marina a great success. We’re proud to say that the marina has been full of annual berth holders for the majority of the year.
It’s been another busy year and although the sunshine wasn’t always on our side, it didn’t dampen our spirits. We started the year with a Gin Bar at the bottom of the bridge, which was hosted by local company, Brixham Gin, who offered a selection of locally made gins. The following day was Easter Sunday, so what better way to celebrate than for Gary to walk the pontoons handing out complimentary Easter Eggs. You also made some fantastic guesses in our ‘Guess the Sweets’ competition, which helped raise much needed funds for the local hospice. There were some close guesses, but also some interesting ones thrown in too! Well done to Stuart Mitchell who was spot on with his guess of 111 sweets and won the whole tub! As we rolled towards the end of April, once again thousands of Pirates descended on Brixham for Pirate Weekend. We held 3 competitions - Best Dressed Adult, Best Dressed Child and Best Dressed Boat – as always, there were some fantastic efforts.
As we sailed into May, the marina prepared to welcome our new King. Once again, we held a Best Dressed competition to celebrate. We also offered scones, jams and creams all round – yummy. We witnessed some fantastic sunrises and sunsets in the Bay and we all hoped that summer was on its way as we enjoyed a busy Bank Holiday weekend.
We swiftly flew into June and Tor Bay’s eagerly awaited English Riviera Airshow. This is always a sight to see and many of you went out into the middle of the Bay for a fantastic view, while many of you also enjoyed the view from the pontoons. A couple of weeks after the Airshow, we saw Father’s Day. We walked around the pontoons offering dads (and some mums) a chilled Beer or Cider. We think you’ll all agree, the weather was stunning in June, and we all thought we were in for a long summer. Towards the end of June, we also hosted a Pimm's weekend to celebrate the start of Wimbledon, where Andy stirred up some yummy drinks. And that was Game, Set & Match for June. Our much-loved Trolley of Treats continued throughout the year where we offered wines, beers, ciders and soft drinks.
Unfortunately, the weather didn’t play ball in July and August and on 5th August we were hit by Storm Antoni, with Brixham seeing the highest wind speeds in the country. Berry Head recorded North West wind speeds of 78mph! Even with four dockmaster on shift, the winds proved challenging, so an additional three members of the team gave up their Saturday to help keep your pride and joy safe – which is why we consider ourselves the Best in the Business. After Storm Antoni passed, it was swiftly followed by Storm Betty on 18th August – luckily, Brixham only caught the tail end of the storm.
To support the core team, we welcomed a few new faces and welcomed back some seasonal workers who did a great job last year. This year we recruited and welcomed Bianca, Darren, Simon and Andrew to the Brixham Team. These team members have brought a wealth of knowledge and skills from different backgrounds.
We also continued with investment in the marina, and we’ll be investing in ongoing maintenance of our wave screen, replacement of the dry riser in our car park and decking on the marina as well as investing in our team.
We look forward to you once again joining us in 2024 for another great season.
Brixham Marina Team