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Hamble Point Marina Winter News

We’d like to start off by saying a massive thank you to all our berth holders for keeping your boat with us this year. It’s been a year of change, a number of new faces, several new tenants and a lot of new berth holders.

Marina Team

The marina has been busy this year and we’re now moving into a busy winter period for the boatyard teams. The Dry Stack team have seen several new faces and we now have a full team with Henry, Finn, Ryan and our new team member Daniel on board. The Marina Office has also seen several new faces and we now have Patrick and Adrian on days, joining Gary and Steve on nights. In addition to these new team members, we have recruited Gaz, who will be carrying out maintenance tasks around the marina.

New Tenants

Also, several new tenants have joined us including Origin Yachts, Dromeas Yachts International, Suffolk Boat Sails and The House of BOS. The chandlery unit will soon be occupied by Ideal Boats and the new tenants will bring more services and a lot more activity to the marina.

Marina Improvements

The WiFi is currently in the process of being upgraded and further work will take place to extend the life of the quay walls around the marina. We purchased a number of new trolleys and are looking to purchase more for the new season. Extensive work on the water pipes, cladding and valves has been undertaken to ensure we comply with Southern Water regulations. An electric boat charging point is now operational in the marina with a number of boats already visiting the marina to charge their vessels.

Marina Events

With a full complement of team members, we now have the capacity to do more for you and we’re planning the events calendar for the 2023/24 season, which we will send you at the start of the season. We’re going to work with the Ketch Rigger to give you the opportunity to meet other berth holders and the team. Fancy a bowl of chilli and a friendly chat, or some cheese and wine? These will be some of the events on the calendar. Plus, the trolley of treats will be making a more regular appearance, with at least two visits a month full of goodies.

We’re looking forward to the new season, and to seeing you at the marina very soon!

Hamble Point Marina Team

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